Power Quality
Poor power quality in combination with the presense of harmonics can cause a series of problems in the installation:
- Electrical stress and aging of the insulation.
- Increase od power losses.
- Increase of energy consumption.
- Undesired power outages.
- Failures on electronic equipment
- Reduction of cosφ

We offer reliable power quality recording services with sophisticated software analysis capabilities, aiming to minimize the effects of poor power quality. Some of the recorded parameters are the following:
- Supplied voltage quality according to ΕΝ 50160
- 3-phase RMS continuous recording of voltage, current, active power, reactive power, apparent power, frequency, cos φ (recording rate: 200 msec)
- 3-phase continuous recording of voltage harmonics (up to 50th), current harmonics (up to 50th) and interharmonics (recording rate: 3000 msec)
- Pst and Plt Flicker recording
- 3-phase triggered RMS recording of voltage, current, active power, reactive power, apparent power, frequency, cos φ (recording rate: 10 msec)
- 3-phase triggered recording of voltage harmonics (up to 50th), current harmonics (up to 50th) and interharmonics (recording rate: 200 msec)
- 3-phase triggered oscillographic recording of voltage, current, active power, reactive power, apparent power, frequency, cos φ (recording rate: 10 MHz)
We additionally offer:
- The installation of on-line power quality recorders
- Recordings analysis and the installation of Active Harmonic Filters, tailored to the needs of the installation, to minimize the Harmonics.