Doble Engineering Company
Doble offers a comprehensive and extensive scope of diagnostic products and services to test and maintain transformers, bushings, protective relays, circuit breakers, rotating machines and more. With more than 400 employees and 5500 customers, offices in eleven countries, and 55 million points of test data for more than 1 million different electric apparatus, Doble is dedicated to helping the global power industry overcome its challenges, no matter how big or how small.
Μερικά από τα προϊόντα

The M4100 is the industry standard for power apparatus and insulation testing. Its unique combination of test capabilities and artificial intelligence analysis software makes it the power industry’s most trusted Power Factor/Tan-Delta instrument.
Click here for more information.

TDR9100 Circuit Breaker Analyzer is a state-of-the-art circuit breaker test set for testing all types of circuit breakers with efficient and accurate performance measurements.
The TDR9100 provides measurements for main and auxiliary contact timing, mechanical motion analysis, analog values, resistance and capacitance.
Click here for more information.

M7100 High-Voltage Asset Analyzer is your complete solution for high-voltage testing.
With an intuitive design and dual high-voltage leads, the M7100 greatly reduces the number of ladder trips technicians are exposed to per job – sometimes cutting the number to nearly one third. This significantly improves the safety and quality of field work by limiting exposure to the workforce and reducing errors.
Click here for more information.

The doblePRIME DOMINO™ provides real time data for moisture in oil, giving indications of relative saturation or absolute ppm levels. This is useful information, especially when a transformer is being loaded in excess of nameplate or when the transformer is undergoing abnormal load cycles.
Click here for more information.
doblePRIME Analytics

doblePRIME Analytics™ is a communication gateway, online data hub and data analysis device at the core of the doblePRIME Condition Monitoring Platform.
doblePRIME Analytics aggregates data from monitoring devices, sensors and operational data sources for a comprehensive view of asset condition.
It provides communications, analytics and alerts/alarms for any individual monitor or combination of monitoring devices.
The doblePRIME Analytics can be the core of your condition monitoring platform for one asset or one substation; it can also connect that location to a comprehensive risk management system, such as dobleARMS®.
Click here for more information.

The PDS200 Surveyor is a partial discharge surveyor tool with EMI capabilities. It identifies and analyzes radio frequency (RFI) and lower frequency electromagnetic (EMI) emissions. These are associated with faulty or degraded insulation and other system defects.
The PDS200 uses EMI analysis to discriminate between different defects and discharge sources in transformers, cable terminations, high-voltage substation and plant equipment.
Use the PDS200 to quickly make a system wide survey.
The PDS200 connects with a variety of sensors for various applications. It can be purchased on its own or as part of a packaged kit, such as the EMI Surveyor.
Click here for more information.
EMI Surveyor

Doble’s EMI Surveyor is an in-service, EMI testing solution that can identify more than 70 different electrical and mechanical defects in generators, motors, bus duct and other high-voltage (HV) electrical plant equipment.
The EMI Surveyor measures the release of electromagnetic (EMI) energy resulting from HV electrical insulation-related partial discharge defects, corona, random noise, as well as LV/HV mechanical conductor-related arcing defects and sparking.
Click here for more information.

Use the Doble DFA300 to identify and locate insulation defects.
This surveying tool combines radio frequency interference (RFI) and acoustic emission (AE).
The DFA300 partial discharge detector can locate partial discharge (PD) in a few seconds.
Designed for surveying live, high voltage apparatus, its versatility makes it the perfect, multi-purpose tool for condition-based maintenance programs.
Click here for more information.

The Doble DFA500 is a radio frequency interference and acoustic signal analyzer used to discover early signs of insulation problems in GIS, SF6-filled dead-tank breakers and instrument transformers.
Used during commissioning or while the equipment is in service, the DFA500 can detect flaws such as bouncing particles, protrusions, floating potentials as well as mechanical vibrations.
The DFA500 is an ideal instrument for GIS commissioning tests and condition based maintenance programs.
Click here for more information.